The jewel of our crown - the stunning Te Tūī a Tāne (Southern Enclosure)

Our Southern Enclosure (called Te Tūī a Tāne) is the best place to come to get the full sanctuary experience and is also the location of our visitor centre.

Introducing Our Superpower

Located at 99 Tari Road, Pukeatua sits our welcoming visitor centre and entrance to the stunning Southern Enclosure.  The Southern Enclosure plays host to a variety of endangered species and is the place where guided tours are delivered.

Climb the tower, sit in the stillness of the forest, watch as playful kākā fly through the forest.  We have a saying here… “Stop, you have arrived, now breathe, be still and feel the forest energy, it's our superpower!"  

Come and explore to get the full experience. Invest in a guided tour - you won't be disappointed! 


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