Northern enclosure

The northern enclosure is located at Hicks Road and there is a 1.5km walk before getting to the entrance gate, sections of this walk are steep and the journey between where you park (outside the Maungatautari marae) and enter includes having to walk on a public road. There are minimal facilities (toilets), and no on-site cafe.

The Northern Enclosure located at Hicks Road is able to be accessed by public. Parking for this area is located directly in front of Maungatautari marae. Follow signs and do not park on private property near the entrance.

The entrance is surrounded by private farmland, so please use the available track and keep to the path. The path to the Northern Enclosure is roughly 1.5km and includes some very steep areas. 

Dog's are not permitted in the sanctuary at any time to protect the native species living within the sanctuary. 

There are outdoor (long-drop) toilets available which are not maintained daily. 

The loop track within the northern enclosure is roughly 1.5km and takes an estimated 35 minutes to complete. 

Please help us to maintain the sanctuary by providing a donation in the box inside the fenceline, or if you are like many of us and don't carry cash then click the Donate before you go button below.


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